RELEASE BLITZ & GIVEAWAY - Delivering History by Jenni M Rose

Title: Delivering History
Series: Freehope #4
Author: Jenni M Rose
Genre: Contemporary Small Town Romance
Release Date: September 24, 2018


Pregnant with her sister’s baby, her love-life isn’t even on the radar.

Just when Alexa Walker has given up on finding her happy-ever-after to focus on her career as the Bad Girl of Sweets, in walks Dylan James, steaming cup of coffee in his outstretched hand. Alex has never been the nice sister. 
She’s the snarky one. The skeptic. Unapproachable. 
That’s probably why everyone was so surprised when she offered to carry a baby for her sister, Beth. Making up for a decade-long feud is bound to take some sacrifices and after finally burying the hatchet, Alex is ready to put her best sisterly foot forward. 

Upper crust, old Boston money, and part of the infamous Boston Billionaires Club, Dylan doesn’t have a lot of free time and he definitely doesn’t have time to hang around a coffee shop that’s not even in his neighborhood, waiting for the Bad Girl of Sweets to deliver her weekly confections. He doesn’t have time until he sees her and knows he needs to make the time. She’s fiery and fierce, witty and bright, and that was only their first introduction. Suddenly, chocolate croissants aren’t all Dylan’s craving.

Dylan isn’t exactly sure what he’s getting into with Lexi Walker, his Bad Girl of Sweets, but he knows he’ll take her any way he can get her. Pregnant with someone else’s baby or not.

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Better get this in while you can. In a few months, Ill be like a keg with legs.
Lexi was not a big woman to begin with. Not much more than five feet tall, he wasnt sure how shed carry a baby without looking like a keg with legs.
He liked her enough that he wanted to be around to see it.
When it comes time, Ill just roll you down the hall,he joked.
She nipped his jaw, catching a bit of flesh, making him hiss. Women dont like jokes about their weight.
You did.
Thats different.
Noted, he thought dryly.
My apologies,he offered. But the fact remains. Ill take you any way I can get you, Lex. Pregnant, not pregnant, doesnt matter. I just want you.He settled her on the bed, laying her down and working on the buckle of her heels. “I’ll still want to slide these shoes off your feet.He dropped one to the floor and then the other. “I’ll still want to peel these pants, that do amazing things for your ass, by the way, off to see whats underneath.He did just that, revealing her short, toned legs, and discarded them with her shoes. “I’ll still want to take this off,he whispered, tugging her sweater until she let him pull it over her head, and spread your hair out behind you on the bed.
God, when he looked down at her, all spread out like that, he knew he was a goner. She was smiling up at him, her black hair spread out like an ink puddle underneath her head. Even her bra and panties were black, the bra having no straps, just a band across her chest.
The underwear were no more than a scrap of fabric.
You just going to stand there looking at me all night?she asked, lifting her foot to run a toe across his chest.
I could,he admitted, his eyes glued to her stomach. There was a deep, red mark across her middle, where her pants had dug into her skin, too tight for the tiny, burgeoning baby bump she sported. It nearly took his breath away, the significance of what her body was doing. He spread his fingers across her belly, the little protrusion hard under his hand. Dont wear those pants anymore,he said quietly. Theyre hurting you.
Fashion is pain,she joked.
“I’m serious, Lex.He crawled over her, placing a kiss on the soft skin of her stomach. She even smelled sweet there, like sugar and comfort. No more of this.He ran his fingers along the indent and then met her eyes. No more.
She wrapped a leg around him, the silky skin of her thigh against his side.
I cant go home without pants on, Dylan,she reasoned. But yeah, I wont wear those ones anymore. Too fat for that.
Not fat,he argued, his hand splayed across the bump. Too amazing, he thought.

Also Available

Get the first three books for just 99c!

#1 Forgiving History is FREE for a limited time
#2 Forgiving History: A Wedding Novella 
is free through Jenni's newsletter
#3 Confessing History is 99c for a limited time


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Jenni M Rose is a sometimes writer with an all the time imagination.

Jenni can usually be found at the grocery store or driving her kids from place to place. More often than not, she can be seen typing away in the waiting rooms of local gymnastics gyms or dance studios.

Married mom, business owner, writer, taxi driver, accidental chicken lady.

Jenni’s hobbies, aside from writing, include: weeping to the latest episode of This is Us, scouring Amazon for her latest read, and perusing Pinterest for projects she has no intention of doing.

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