Release Blitz: Sell My Soul by Jade West

Title: Sell My Soul 
Author: Jade West 
Genre Contemporary Romance 

Sixty days of total submission.
No safe words. No limits. No holds barred.
Sixty days of your body being used and abused and pushed to extremes.

Then you were free to go, no further dues, thanks and goodbye. 
And your bank balance looked seriously healthy for the experience. 

I should never have been tempted. Not for a second.
I should never have even thought about putting myself up for sale for sixty days, not after hearing the brutal tales of what happens to you. 
But I had to.
My sister desperately needed the money. Needed Me. Needed more than I could ever give her.

I’d just never have guessed in a million years that soon enough I’d be needing him.
The beautiful stranger. 
The dangerous monster.
The guy who’d be responsible for my pleasure and pain and everything between for sixty days straight.
And the man who’d want my very soul along with my body. 

No holds barred doesn’t even come close to his requirements.
But I’m willing to give him everything. 

First full-length novel in a trilogy.

Jade has increasingly little to say about herself as time goes on, other than the fact she is an author, but she’s plenty happy with this. Living in imaginary realities and having a legitimate excuse for it is really all she’s ever wanted. Jade is as dirty as you’d expect from her novels, and talking smut makes her smile. She lives in the Powys countryside with a couple of hounds. She has a zebra print living room, and fights a constant battle with her addiction to Coca-Cola.
